Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Silly humans

Do you know what's sad? The fact that we live in an age where if a stranger speaks to us out of the blue, we become suspicious of their intentions, or sometimes we may even question their mental status...

Walking to my car from the library, I passed a man and he said to me "Nice weather we're having." I smiled and confirmed. Then immediately thought, 'wow, that was creepy. What did he want?' Where has my faith in humanity gone? The poor guy probably was just in a good mood and felt like being a positive, balanced member of the human race. Then again maybe my first reaction was correct, maybe he was a weirdo. So where Is the line? At what point does being nice turn into being wrong? How can we be open to others and still be protected by our apprehensions?

Discernment is hard.

In other news, apparently I reserved a book from the library, just picked it up today and have no idea why I would have wanted to read it. It's a true story about a Navy SEAL. Seriously I have no clue what possessed me.

I'm going to go read some more A Game of Thrones.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stupid emotions

I keep coming up with things I think will make my life better like, if get a good job I can move into my own place, then I will be happier, then I won't be in the same exact situation I've been in for the past nine years. As a sixteen years old I had a crappy job, lived at in my parents home, no social life.

At twenty five I have a crappy job, live in my parents home, have a crappy social life. Seriously on a good week I get to leave the house on my own to see a friend for an hour or so. I don't even want to talk about the guilt bringing task of finding a mate that my mother seems to bring up at a lovely time about once a month.

So I keep telling myself, eventually it will happen, I'll get there someday, but I won't be satisfied until then. Yes, it seems like I should be able to change things but I just can't seem to do it. I don't know how.

Today is a stupid day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hello Sweetie

So I decided to follow in the footsteps of my friend switchthosefeet and start blogging again. As I type this I am supposed to be doing laundry. I really should get back to that... BRB

So coincidentally today is National Donut Day. So there's that.

On my drive into work tonight I saw a man jogging that looked exactly like a younger Bruce Willis. Then I saw a bunch of little bitty children playing lacrosse, pee wee lacrosse? Really? These kids were like six years old!

Well, maybe my next post will say something...